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Zoldria Injection

Zoldria Injection

Product Details:


Product Description

Zoldria otherwise called zoledronic acid is fabricated by cipla. It is a hostile to malignancy tranquilize utilized as a part of the treatment of disease that has spread to the bones, more often than not alongside different medications, for example, chemotherapy. It brings down the danger of breaks and other bone issues. It is additionally used to bring down high blood calcium levels in individuals who have disease in the bones. It is the non specific adaptation of zometa/aclasta.

Producer: cipla

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Dosage and administration:

Zoledronic acid is given as an infusion into a vein (intravenous, or iv) more than 15 minutes or more. The typical measurements is 4 milligrams (mg), in spite of the fact that the dosage may should be bring down in individuals with kidney issues. The planning will rely upon the reason you are getting the medication. At the point when zoledronic corrosive is utilized to treat high blood calcium levels usually given as a one-time measurements. To help treat tumors in the bones, usually given once every 3 to a month.

You will probably be given iv liquids as well as instructed to drink bounty concerning liquids while getting this medication to keep you hydrated and diminish the shot of kidney harm. Your specialist may likewise prescribe that you take a multi-vitamin (with vitamin d) and a calcium supplement every day.

Your specialist may defer or even stop this medication if your kidney work tests are unusual.


  • Fever (enduring a couple of days after the imbuement)
  • Influenza like side effects (fever, chills, flushing, bone and muscle hurts) in the initial 3 days after your infusion, which may most recent possibly more than seven days
  • Torment or redness at infusion site

Less common:

  • Bone or joint torment
  • Muscle throbs
  • Runny nose
  • Hack
  • Queasiness/retching
  • Loss of craving
  • Obstruction
  • Looseness of the bowels
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling bleary eyed or black out
  • Feeling tired
  • Urinary tract contamination
  • Sickliness (low red platelet tallies) which can cause tiredness, shortness of breath
  • Blood test comes about demonstrating the medication might influence your kidneys (your specialist will clarify the significance of these discoveries, assuming any.)
  • Uneasiness in breathing

Uncommon :

  • Low blood calcium levels (could prompt muscle torment, issues, or fits; irregular sensations on the face, hands, or feet; or seizures)
  • Harm to bones in jaw
  • Broken femur (thigh bone) after next to zero damage, beginning with crotch or thigh torment
  • Genuine unfavorably susceptible responses
  • Kidney disorder
  • Inconvenience breathing, hacking, snugness in the chest
  • Sporadic pulse (atrial fibrillation)
  • Bone and additionally joint agony sufficiently serious to require the medication be ceased
  • Eye aggravation or redness

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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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