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Temonat -Temozolomide 100 mg Tablets

Temonat -Temozolomide 100 mg Tablets

Product Details:


Product Description

Temonat otherwise called Temodar or Temodal has a place with the general gathering of medications known as antineoplastics. It is utilized to treat particular kinds of malignancy of the cerebrum in grown-ups whose tumors have returned and whose tumors have quite recently been analyzed.

The measurement of Temozolomide endorsed to every patient will fluctuate. Continuously take after your doctor's guidelines and additionally the bearings on the physician endorsed tranquilize name. Temozolomide can cause reactions, for example, sickness, retching, obstruction, tiredness, loss of hunger, cerebral pain, and fever.

  • Packaging : 100 mg containers of 5 cases
  • Manufacturer : Natco Pharma Ltd
  • Other Brand Name: Temodal, Temodar

Temonat 100 mg capsule contains temozolomide and is utilized for the treatment of specific sorts of cerebrum diseases (e. g., obstinate anaplastic astrocytoma). This medicine has a place with a class of medications known as imidazotetrazine subordinates. Available as 20 mg, 100 mg and 250 mg containers, this moderates or stops the development and spread of growth cells in the body.


  • The suggested measurement of temonat is typically once day by day for 5 days
  • The treatment might be rehashed each 28 days


  • Manifestations of overdose related with temonat may incorporate chills, industrious sore throat or constant fever; or extreme draining or wounding

Additional information:

  • Port of dispatch: mumbai
  • Creation capacity: 1000
  • Delivery time: 4-5 days
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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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