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Menogon Injection

Menogon Injection

Product Details:


Product Description

Menogon (Menotrophin infusion) a professionally prescribed medication made by Ferring is cleaned mix of follicle empowering hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) removed from the pee of post menopausal ladies. Menogon is regulated as an intramuscular or a subcutaneous infusion to treat barrenness, to prompt ovulation and empower pregnancy in ladies. It might likewise be utilized to animate the generation of sperm in specific types of male fruitlessness.

  • Brand Name: Menogon 75iu (Menotrophin infusion)
  • Composition: follicle invigorating hormone 75 IU, luteinising hormone 75 IU. (Chorionic Menopausal Gonadotropin)
  • Form: Injection
  • Manufacturer: Ferring

Additional Information

Unless endorsed generally, dosages are as per the following:

  • Sterility in Females: The measurement of HMG for the enlistment of follicle development in normo-or hypogonadotrophic ladies fluctuates as indicated by the person.
  • The sum relies upon ovarian response and ought to be checked by ultrasound examinations of the ovaries and estimating estradiol levels. If the HMG measurements is too high for the treated individual, numerous uni-and respective follicle development can happen.
  • HMG is regulated IM or SC and all in all, the treatment is started with an every day measurement comparing to 75-150 iu FSH. On the off chance that the ovaries don't react, the measurements can gradually be expanded until an ascent in estradiol emission and follicle development is apparent. Treatment with a similar measurements of HMG proceeds until the preovulatory estradiol serum level is achieved. If the level ascents too rapidly, the measurements ought to be lessened. To instigate ovulation, hCG 5000 or 10,000 iu are infused IM 1-2 days after the last HMG organization.
  • Note: After regulating a HMG measurement which is too high for the relating individual, a consequent hCG organization can cause an accidental hyperstimulation of the ovaries.
  • Sterility in Males: Initially, 3 x 1000 and 3000 iu hCG seven days are managed until the point when an ordinary  serum level is come to. At that point, an extra measurement of HMG 3 x (75-150 iu FSH + 75-150 iu LH)/week is regulated IM for a couple of months.

Medication Interactions :

Interactions with different medicines are obscure. HMG can be infused together with hCG while treating barren guys.

Capacity :

Store and shield from light. Menogon must not be put away at temperatures surpassing +25oC.

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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