The proper method of administration of ZOLADEX is described in the instructions that follow.
1. Put the patient in a comfortable position with the upper part of the body slightly raised. Prepare an area of the anterior abdominal wall below the navel line with an alcohol swab.
NOTE: Caution should be taken while injecting ZOLADEX into the anterior abdominal wall due to the proximity of underlying inferior epigastric artery and its branches.
Examine the foil pouch and syringe for damage. Remove the syringe from the opened foil pouch and hold the syringe at a slight angle to the light. Check that at least part of the ZOLADEX implant is visible.
2. Grasp the red plastic safety tab and pull away from the syringe, and discard. Remove needle cover. Unlike liquid injections, there is no need to remove air bubbles as attempts to do so may displace the ZOLADEX implant.
Holding the syringe around the protective sleeve, using an aseptic technique, pinch the skin of the patient's anterior abdominal wall below the navel line. With the bevel of the needle facing up, insert the needle at a 30 to 45 degree angle to the skin in one continuous deliberate motion until the protective sleeve touches the patient's skin.
NOTE: The ZOLADEX syringe cannot be used for aspiration. If the hypodermic needle penetrates a large vessel, blood will be seen instantly in the syringe chamber. If a vessel is penetrated, withdraw the needle and inject with a new syringe elsewhere. Monitor patients for signs or symptoms of abdominal hemorrhage. Use extra care when administering ZOLADEX to patients with a low BMI and/or to patients receiving full dose anticoagulation [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].
3. Do not penetrate into muscle or peritoneum.
4. To administer the ZOLADEX implant and to activate the protective sleeve, grasp the barrel at the finger grip and depress the plunger until you cannot depress it any further. If the plunger is not depressed fully, the protective sleeve will NOT activate. When the protective sleeve 'clicks', the protective sleeve will automatically begin to slide to cover the needle.
NOTE: The needle does not retract.
5. Withdraw the needle and allow protective sleeve to slide and cover needle. Dispose of the syringe in an approved sharps collector.
NOTE: In the unlikely event of the need to surgically remove ZOLADEX, it may be localized by ultrasound.
Dosage Forms And Strengths
ZOLADEX is supplied as a sterile and totally biodegradable D,L-lactic and glycolic acids copolymer (13.3-14.3 mg/dose) impregnated with goserelin acetate equivalent to 3.6 mg of goserelin in a disposable syringe device fitted with a 16-gauge x 36 +/- 0.5 mm siliconized hypodermic needle with protective needle sleeve [SafeSystemâ„¢ Syringe] (NDC 0310-095036).
Storage And Handling
ZOLADEX is supplied as a sterile and totally biodegradable D,L-lactic and glycolic acids copolymer (13.3-14.3 mg/dose) impregnated with goserelin acetate equivalent to 3.6 mg of goserelin in a disposable syringe device fitted with a 16-gauge x 36 +/- 0.5 mm siliconized hypodermic needle with protective needle sleeve [SafeSystem™ Syringe] (NDC 0310-095036). The unit is sterile and comes in a sealed, light- and moisture-proof, aluminum foil laminate pouch containing a desiccant capsule. Store at room temperature (do not exceed 25°C [77°F]).